stop fighting your cravings!
Are you in a never-ending battle with your food cravings?
discover the path to conquering the cravings that stand in the way of the fit & healthy life you deserve.
For countless women over 50, cravings are a constant source of frustration, guilt, and disappointment.
It’s time to break free from this cycle and regain control of your well-being.

You’re tired of…
Now you’re looking for a way to free yourself from the constant struggle.
Let me show you that it’s possible.

Getting to this point wasn’t easy.

Like many women over 50, giving in to my cravings was a daily struggle.
Of course I would tell myself time and again that “next time,” I wouldn’t give in. If I could just have THIS handful of Doritos, I’d feel better and could leave them alone.
Yeah, sure. It seemed that nothing I ever did changed the script. As the great author Mark Twain said, “Giving up smoking is easy…I’ve done it hundreds of times.”
I ate food to relax, to conquer boredom, when I was stressed, and even just because it was a certain time of day.
I tried so many ways to try to stop craving the “wrong” foods, because let’s face it…I wasn’t craving apples and broccoli!??
Nope, it was cookies, chips, bread, chocolate, red licorice, or even cold pizza out of the refrigerator.
I tried keeping the stuff out of the house, or at least hiding it behind other things in the pantry.
That proved fairly successful, until I’d be doing some mundane task and it would suddenly pop into my mind, “Oh, yeah! We have some leftover Halloween candy in the pantry!” And off I’d be to sneak a couple of pieces.?

But then
I read something incredible...
I learned when I was well into my fifties about a thing called a “growth mindset,” and that this meant I wasn’t destined to keep making the same mistakes over and over again.
Oh, it would take some practice, and some hard work, but by golly, I COULD change what I thought were habits so ingrained that I was just too old to get better.
I also learned that I don’t have to believe everything my brain spits out! WHAT??? You mean my beliefs and thoughts aren’t necessarily true?
I didn’t know how it could be true, but I was reading things from neurosurgeons, MDs, and lots of other people with PhDs in important-sounding stuff.
I read and studied everything I could. I literally devoured everything I found on changing your brain, deliberately thinking what you wanted to think, changing your beliefs and stories — the whole nine yards.
And what I found truly changed my life…and it will change your life too, if you let it!
The solution to your cravings and urges is not a one-size-fits-all process. You need a plan that works for you. For your life, your circumstances, your needs.
That’s why Mastering cravings gives you a range of methods, so you can find which one or combination, works best for you, and which help you reach your health & fitness goals more quickly.

Here’s why you need Mastering Cravings:

What you’ll learn…

Mastering Cravings is designed to work with you and your life circumstances.
Understanding cravings
What they are, the different triggers, and some common myths.
making room for cravings
Why trying to get rid of your cravings won’t work.
mastering cravings
Learn powerful tools to deal with your cravings more easily and successfully.
Dealing With Obstacles
How to manage the challenges that will inevitably arise.

If you’re asking yourself…
I already bought this and tried that, and it didn’t help, so why do I need Mastering Cravings?
Here’s why:
Hey there, I’m Kathy
As a certified fitness trainer and lifestyle wellness specialist, backed by decades of experience in nutrition and health, I’m your fitness-over-50 guide!
I created this guide because the principles and exercises in it helped me overcome my seemingly impossible-to-break cravings habits.
And I want you to experience freedom from your cravings, too!

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