Disclosure Policy
The purpose of PhaseTwoFitness.com is to help you learn new ways to think about your healthy mind and body. Here you can find articles and resources that show you how to eat intuitively and stop being afraid of food.
Also, how to move your body in ways that both serve and protect you, but make you feel good too!
I have a number of costs associated with running this blog — server space, technical tools, and more. To offset this, I use affiliate links in posts when they are available.
The Federal Trade Commission {FTC} revised their guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials in order to protect the public from any intentionally errant or misleading advertising that has been paid for by a group or company. Since the PhaseTwoFitness blog is a source of income and may occasionally incorporate endorsements or testimonials, I felt it was important to disclose the following to you, my readers:
- The content of the PhaseTwoFitness blog is a source of income for me and therefore may be used to promote products, services, or other businesses at my sole discretion.
- I will only choose to promote products/services/businesses that I have, in fact, used and that I feel will be beneficial to our readers. I always try before I recommend.
- Products provided by my advertising partners for my review are given to me free of charge with no cost to myself. This does not ensure a positive review of the product in any way.
- You can trust me. I will always give my genuine opinion about a product or service whether or not I am partnering with the service provider and/or receiving payment to do so.
- My number one priority is accuracy and fairness to my readers, and I would never compromise the truth just to make money. Ever. It’s not worth it to me and it’s not fair to you.
- Mentions of associated products/services/businesses within the content of my blog may or may not be noted as an affiliate in every reference.
Integrity is the cornerstone of my code of ethics, and I hold myself to the highest standards of accuracy and strive to deliver interesting, helpful, and encouraging content while generating a small profit to compensate for my time, research, and ideas. I love and appreciate my readers and make it my goal to be up front and honest with every post I write.
Amazon Associates Disclosure
Phase Two Fitness is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.